Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

Minutes, Meeting February 4, 2015 5:00 p.m.

125 Bremer Street


I.                 Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:10 p.m. Members present: Betty, Bonnie E., Herk, Kathy, Tania, Marjie, Serena, Terri, Elizabeth, Larry H., Chief Alvord and Secretary Lisa. 

II.               Approve Minutes of January 7, 2015 – MSC Watkins/Brown to approve the minutes of the January 7, 2015 meeting, as presented.

III.              Reports:

A. Treasurer: (Marjie) –made $86.00 on bingo in February.   

B. Events: (Tina/Scott) Thank you to those who helped with the Douglas City School Fire Safe House, and bingo.  The awards dinner went very well.

IV.             Action Items:

A.  WFDSS Business Cards (Tina) – Discussion on template of cards passed around.  No changes noted, cards will be passed out at the next meeting.   

B.  Valentine’s Day Roses (Ted) – Lisa will make up a sign-up sheet for helpers on Saturday at 09:00 hrs.  Discussion on preparations of the roses-Friday, all day, at the fire station – if anyone has the time to come and help, come anytime on Friday.    

C.  Recruitment Boards (Terri) – Terri is working on the boards; a deadline was never established so she is doing it in her spare time.  Will try to have them completed by next Bingo.

D.  Bingo (Marjie, Vicki, or Lewis) – Discussion on Bingo in April; will re-schedule April’s date from Easter Sunday the 5th to the following Sunday the 12th.  Tina suggested a flyer or sign for the March Bingo to inform the patrons.  Discussion on seed money – Tina will get a check from Gus, cash it, and bring the money to Lisa.  Tania will make a poster for the silent auction.    

E.  Chinese New Year Clean-Up Helpers (Lisa) – Gus came to Lisa and asked if any of the Support Services was interested in helping with the clean-up the day after the Chinese New Year Celebration.  Since Bingo is that same day, it was decided that the support services will help with Bingo instead.        

V.               Unit Reports:

A.  Logistics: (Tania) – Scott stated that there will be opportunity for Support Services to help at the Live Fire training on April 25th and 26th.  Help is needed in filling the SCBA bottles, getting lunch and other needed tasks.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.

B.  EMS Support: (Serena) – Larry H. checked the bags; need more gloves, and band aids.

C.  Maintenance: (Bonnie M.) – Absent: Dishwasher is in and running. 

D.  Technology: (Lisa) – Mike keeping up on the website, and facebook.      

E.   Public Events/Education: (Lisa or Scott) – Discussion on Open House for the Fire Department and Fire Safe House.  Dorms will be finished by May; hold an open house for the public to see the dorms too.  As May gets closer, we will pick a day.  Discussion on bussing in schools for October’s Fire Prevention Week; Terri will talk to the Office of Education to see if it is something they are interested in doing a field trip day.     

F.  Recruitment and Retention: (Lona) – Will not have regular meetings for recruitment and retention, just as needed.   

VI.              Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting:  Discussion on Officers for Support Services and the job descriptions.  Everyone holding an office needs to send Lisa a job description of their position.  Will present the job descriptions at the next meeting.  Discussion on Boy Scouts visiting the fire hall for a merit badge; Larry H. will talk to them, and set a date.       

VII.            Adjourn:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.